Level Best Concrete Flooring the Goole based concrete flooring contractors who carry out industrial concrete floor slabs throughout the United Kingdom has recently completed a concrete floor slab for a new Lidl In Croydon, South London. This job was particularly interesting as the concreting company had to utilise the country’s largest mobile pump supplied by Camfaud. The pump with a boom size of 63 metres easily pumped the waterproof concrete pump mix, supplied by Hanson Premix. Concrete deliveries had to be coordinated by the Level Best management team in order to ensure the supply to the pump was consistent throughout the duration of the pours.
Level Best return to the site in December to carry out the design and installation of the suspended ground floor steel fibre reinforced jointless floor slab.
If you require further details on this concrete flooring contract, please feel free to ring 01405 819199 or simply email enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk
Concrete floor slab for new Lidl, Norwood

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