Level Best Concrete Flooring the industrial concrete flooring contractors from Yorkshire specialising in warehouse floor renovation are carrying out another Floor Renovation System (FRS) project, this time in Northampton.
Once the dilapidations figures have been agreed between tenant and building owner Level Best commenced work immediately in order to have the floor looking spic and span as soon as possible to allow the owners to stat marketing the building. Large warehouses like this one in Northampton take a long time to refurbish and this particular project is going to take the industrial concrete flooring contractors 2 months to carry out their full scope of works. Once the racking has been removed the 15,000 bolt holes left in the floor are very carefully removed, filed and then prepared in advance of the Floor Renovation System commencing.
As you can see from the “before” and “after” photographs, the surface finish once the polishing has been completed looks great. On completion of the FRS the floor is extremely tough, abrasion resistance and far easier to clean and maintain. The system also comes with a 10 year guarantee form Level Best Concrete Flooring, details of which can be provided on request. We can also arrange a site visit if you have a tenant moving out of your warehouse and you would like your floor renovating in order to provide a dust free, the tough surface which is also aesthetically pleasing.
Should you require further details please contact us on 01405 819199 or email enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk