The Fedex yard in Bedford requires maintaining due to the incredible amount of truck movements throughout the week. Level Best Concrete Flooring the concrete floor repair contractors from Goole in east Yorkshire carried out the concrete floor repairs over the weekend and during the night to ensure the smooth running of the business continued without disruption. The works include concrete yard repairs, manhole replacements, and removal and replacement of the existing damaged drainage channels. A high strength concrete supplied by Breedon Group which sets and gains its full cube strength in 24 hours was used to allow immediate trafficking of the concrete floor repairs. All the floor joints and the newly installed concrete were covered
With a steel protection plate allowing access at all times to the Fedex vehicles.
Should you require any concrete floor repairs during the Christmas shutdown period then please call us on 01405 819199 or email Level Best Concrete Flooring already has some concrete floor repairs to carry out over Christmas but still have a small amount available if you need something carrying out to your concrete warehouse floor or external yards.
Concrete Floor repairs to busy distribution centre in Bedford

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