Level Best Concrete Flooring are now offering many different types of coloured and polished concrete floor slabs suitable for retail outlets, warehouses and car showrooms. The coloured concrete floor toppings and coatings used on the surface of the concrete floor by Level Best Concrete Flooring offer numerous benefits to the clients and end users. With an increase in interest on the coloured and polished concrete floors, Level Best has carried out more coloured concrete samples at their premises on the outskirts of Goole in East Yorkshire. Not only can Level Best now offer numerous different colours for the concrete slab surface, we can also offer numerous different types of surface finish to suit the end users applications. One of the red coloured samples we now have on offer, has actually received a “brushed” surface finish to the concrete floor to meet the client’s anti-slip slip-resistant requirements for a meat abattoir. Should you be interested in looking and discussing the various different types of coloured concrete floors Level Best Concrete Flooring can design, supply and install for you, please contact us on 01405 819199 and ask for either Matt or Adam, alternatively you can email us atenquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk .

Red coloured concrete floor slab sample by Level Best Concrete Flooring at Goole, East Yorkshire headquarters