Level Best Concrete Flooring, the warehouse floor renovation and refurbishment contractor, has been working throughout the shut down period at this new waste recycling plant in Seaham, County Durham. The floor cleaning and sealing works needed to be carried out in time prior to the client receiving inspections from the governing boards on the quality and cleanliness of the warehouse concrete floor slab.
Level Best Concrete Flooring operatives mobilised during the night with the floor cleaning chemicals, plant and equipment in readiness for the floor renovation team to turn up in the early hours of the morning. The system had to work seamlessly to allow the client access to the working areas during this planned floor maintenance.
As well as vigorously cleaning the floor, a floor sealer and densifier was integrated within the capillaries of the concrete to minimise the dusting of the slab itself and throughout the lifespan of the concrete floor. During the floor renovation application, all of the necessary floor repairs and racking bolt fixings were dealt with in accordance with the structural engineers recommendations.
Level Best Concrete Flooring has all of the necessary expertise and experience to provide clients and warehouse operators with various different types of floor repair and renovation systems. Should you require a floor survey of your existing warehouse to be carried out by one of the floor surveying team, then please feel free to contact at enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk or simply telephone 01405 819199.