Level Best has commenced the first of four phases at Princes Foods in Bradford, West Yorkshire constructing jointless steel fibre reinforced concrete floors as part of a major removal, reinstatement and redevelopment of the existing industrial concrete floor slabs. Level Best worked closely with FACE Consultants during the design and conception stages of the project to ensure the client and end-user would be left with the best flooring solution available to them.
The jointless flooring solution was based on a 200mm thick concrete floor slab reinforced with 35kg/m³ of Bekaert Dramix steel fibres. B785 reinforcing mesh was situated around all re-entrant locations. Existing adjacent slabs were drill and dowelled with de-bonded bars to aid load transfer. Steel armoured Permaban joints, the only actual construction joints in the ‘jointless’ panels, were strategically located to ensure the panels were constructed to optimum dimensions. To ensure the steel reinforcing fibres do not protrude through the industrial surface, Level Best applied a fibre-suppressing dry-shake topping at an application rate of 4kg/m².
The industrial floor slab was constructed utilising the larger Somero SXP concrete floor levelling and compacting laser screed machine. The floor slabs on all four phases in Bradford, West Yorkshire will be constructed to a TR34 4th Edition FM2 floor class. The fibre-suppressing dry-shake topping was applied by Level Best’s mechanical topping spreader ensuring a consistent application rate. The slab was powerfloat finished by Level Best’s expert finishing teams using both ride-on and hand-held power trowels.
To keep up to date with this major jointless steel fibre reinforced concrete flooring contract in Bradford, West Yorkshire then keeping visiting the website for further project updates. A further three phases are to take place over a six month period, giving Level Best an ideal opportunity to demonstrate high-tolerance industrial concrete flooring capabilities to another repeat client. For further details please email enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk or call on 01405 819199.