Level Best Concrete Flooring has almost reached completion of the construction of the steel fibre and steel mesh combislab design solution for this new massive cold store facility, located on the outskirts of Corby in Northamptonshire. Some 8,000m3 of ready mixed concrete has been poured by the industrial concrete flooring contractors throughout 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. Level Best Concrete Flooring steel fixing team has worked tirelessly throughout the project to ensure the preparation works have been complete prior to the pouring and powerfloating of the ready mixed concrete. With the high bay slab being 60mm deep to take the loads and forces from the 42 metre high racking, the large volumes of concrete were being poured continually in order to meet the programme deadlines. For more information on how Level best Concrete Flooring can assist you with the construction of your new cold store floor slab, please contact our estimating team at enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk or telephone 01405 819199