Level Best’s inhouse design team aided a new client with the recommendation of an industry-recognised industrial concrete floor unbonded overlay as part of the refurbishment and repurposing of their recently purchased industrial unit in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Multiple options were available to the client including a full removal and replacement or a resin screed overlay however, following Level Best’s specialist technical recommendation, an unbonded concrete overlay was opted for.
Level Best detailed the main negatives associated with the removal and replacement option which are the additional time, cost and negative environmental outputs associated with the removal of the existing slab. Level Best’s design team demonstrated how the existing slab could be left in place subject to insitu testing been carried out allowing an assessment of the existing slab, confirming its suitability to act as a substrate for the new slab.
The Yorkshire-based Client also had reservations about the application of a resin-type overlay screed due to the ongoing maintenance repairs required once trafficked. The screed comes without any warranty therefore all the ongoing repair, damage and liability falls with the client including the costs. Level Best advised that this was the least sustainable solution available.
The industry-recognised industrial concrete floor unbonded overlay solution comes with a full warranty.
Works started onsite in Sheffield, South Yorkshire with the laser-guided installation of a separation layer of Type 1 stone which provides a suitable uniformed working platform for the slab installation whilst separating the new slab from the existing, allowing separate movement. Steel column isolation details were continued up to the new FFL whilst steel armoured daywork joints were installed providing armoured arris protection.
Industrial concrete floors totalling 70,000 sq ft were installed utilising laser screed technology with full powerfloat finishes provided throughout and subsequently cured and sealed with an industrial agent. Saw cuts were induced into the slab controlling shrinkage with joint sealant providing the client with a sustainable sawn joint, a client-request to prevent debris build up for their future operations in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
To learn more about how unbonded industrial concrete overlay solutions can help you with your next industrial/commercial unit purchase or repurpose, please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ page.