Level Bests very own director Mr Jon Wilcox is deep into training for the Prologis 100 cycle rider, this charity bike ride sees the participants taking on the challenge once again of climbing some of the steepest hills in the world on their little racing bikes with no engines. Level Best contributed to this years charity which is yet to be announced,
Level Best are also supporting local within the East Riding of Yorkshire area, with the following events such as Eastrington Village Show and Swinefleet Gala. Level Best are also supporting MB Roche on their charity 10K fun run.
Level Best sponsored Goole RUFC, which have just finished their most successful season in years, Competing in two trophy cup competitions and ending up in 3rd position in the league. Our very own Development Manager Matt Lill who helped the team with their success is now taking a very well earned rest after taking a battering in his last game of the season.